- Look for tinges of spring on east tetracylie .
- 东四环上找寻春天的气息。
- When the younger students returned as seventh graders in the fall they scored just as high as they had the previous spring on tests of fractions that they had not seen .
- 秋天,年轻的七年级学生们返回时,他们得到的分数和上个春季他们没有看到的部分的分数一样高。
- Remove expanding spring on the brake calliper .
- 从制动卡钳上拆下扩张弹簧。
- Entitled early spring on lake dong ting currently on show at istanbul modern in turkey .
- 题为“洞庭湖的早春”照片的前面,这张照片目前正在土耳其伊斯坦布尔现代化展览会上展出。
- In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers people also enjoy hopes of spring on the same day .
- 和扫墓者的悲伤形成鲜明对比的是,人们在同一个日子里也满怀着春天的憧憬。
- Use the poem about spring on this page to help you .
- 用本页关于春天的诗来帮助你。
- I definitely have spring on my mind !
- 我已经感受到春天的气息了。
- Dunes craters and ice : just another spring on mars
- 沙丘、陨石坑还有冰:都不过是火星上的又一个春天
- Disengage boost spring on the swivel arm .
- 取出旋转臂上的助力弹簧。
- Fit securing spring on the actuating lever and press in fully .
- 将固定弹簧装入执行杆上,并完全按压进去。